SharePoint 2013: Useful Links for Excel Services 2013

Here are some useful links for Excel Services 2013 for SharePoint 2013; if you find any other please update it!

Excel Services in SharePoint 2013

What's new in Excel Services for developers?

Excel Interactive View

Consuming OData feeds from Excel Services 2013 in PowerPivot

Create and share external data connections by using Excel Services

Business intelligence capabilities in Excel Services

Excel Services Configuration for PowerPivot in SharePoint 2013

SharePoint Designer 2013 Known Issues

Calling HTTP web service fails when calling non-SharePoint HTTP (REST) web service from SharePoint workflow
When a workflow developer writes a workflow that calls non-SharePoint HTTP (REST) web service from SharePoint workflow, “Authorization: Bearer” is added to HTTP header by default, which may sometimes result in “401 Unauthorized" error response.

Workaround: A workflow developer explicitly needs to have “Authorization” field set with empty string (“”) in a “RequestHeader” property of “Call HTTP Web Service” action. This will result in suppressing the bearer authorization header for this HTTP request.

Workflow doesn’t support external list in SharePoint 2013
Workflow in SharePoint 2010 supported create, read, update, delete (CRUD) operation for external list but SharePoint 2013 workflow doesn’t support CRUD operation for external list due to platform limitation.

Workaround: Try SharePoint 2010 workflow by using Start a list/site workflow action inside the SharePoint 2013 workflow.

Workflow doesn’t support Survey list
Workflow in SharePoint 2010 supported create, read, update, or delete (CRUD) operation for the Survey list but SharePoint 2013 workflow doesn’t support CRUD operation for Survey list because of a platform limitation — Survey list doesn't have GUID field).

Workaround: Try calling the SharePoint 2010 workflow by using Start a list/site workflow action inside SharePoint 2013 workflow.

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